Some people are reluctant to pay a visit to their dentist to get treated for any dental problems that they may have for a number of reasons. One is that a visit to the dentist is often associated with painful experiences — you may be experiencing a toothache due to decay or an injury that caused you to have broken teeth or wounded gums, and procedures like tooth extraction, root canal or even the administration of anesthesia are only seen to cause even more pain for the already anxious patient.
Another reason is that dental procedures can rarely be completely accomplished in a single visit; typically, an initial visit would involve assessing your current dental condition and determining the right solution to use. You would then need to come back another day to get measured or fitted for any devices. And yes, you would be advised to return yet another day so that the dentist can observe your reaction to the device or treatment, make adjustments, prescribe additional solutions, and possibly many more. In short, dental procedures take time and more than one visit, which can be a significant inconvenience to many people whose schedules may be relatively affected.
It’s for this second reason that dental experts are continuously developing new technologies in order to create effective yet less time-consuming solutions for all kinds of dental problems. One such technology is Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, or CEramic REConstruction (CEREC®). This dental restoration product enables your qualified Fort Lauderdale dentist to use various computer-assisted technologies to facilitate indirect ceramic dental restoration in just a single sitting. The technologies include 3D photography and CAD/CAM, and they are used to prepare devices like veneers, crowns, onlays and inlays using ceramic materials.
What Problems can a Fort Lauderdale Dentist Solve with CEREC® Technology?
CEREC® technology is ideal for addressing dental problems such as tooth decay and broken or discolored teeth using all-porcelain restorations that naturally match the patient’s teeth and skin tone. Described below is the process of creating these highly innovative restorations:
1. Your dentist will prepare your tooth for the restoration procedure. This involves removing any decayed material or unhealthy tooth structure present.
2. A digital optical impression is made of the teeth and mouth; compared to other common dental procedures, no messy molds need to be made.
3. The information from the digital impression is entered into the CEREC® machine which then custom-fabricates the restoration. Once ready, the newly created restoration is placed onto your tooth.
The entire process of crafting the restoration can take about an hour, which means that your restoration procedure can be completely finished in just one visit to your dentist. If you require an effective tooth restoration solution that won’t call for several trips to the dentist’s office, then CEREC® technology may be worth considering for your particular situation.