Even the Urban Dictionary of slang and catchphrases details the Invisalign meaning, so most people pretty much know what it is, especially since it has been around for a couple of decades now. However, new orthodontic patients do ask our Invisalign experts in Fort Lauderdale, FL, plenty of questions regarding this type of teeth aligner. So, to clear things up, our dental specialists are here to talk to you about Invisalign, its alternatives, and what to expect exactly from this treatment.
Invisalign Meaning: What Is It, Anyway?
As its name suggests, Invisalign means “invisible aligners.” Simply put, Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that helps with teeth straightening without using the visible and uncomfortable metal braces.
It is patients’ alternative to having their mouths full of wires, prongs, metal brackets, and other components. If you refer to the Invisalign meaning as a medical treatment, you should know that Invisalign orthodontics consists of patients wearing a series of custom-made, clear plastic aligners (trays) that help the teeth shift and move in the desired position.
When it comes to the casual, conversational Invisalign meaning, people use the term to describe the transparent trays they have to wear to correct orthodontic issues.
Are there Alternatives to Invisalign?
Invisalign came as a godsend solution years back as an innovative alternative to traditional braces. The material was transparent, thus not posing any more social or self-esteem problems to people wearing teeth aligners. Moreover, wearing Invisalign proved to be non-invasive, comfortable, and efficient when patients followed the rules.
While traditional braces are still a true-and-tested treatment for severe orthodontic problems, Invisalign became the preferred option for people with mild or moderate teeth aligning needs (crooked teeth, gaps, underbite, and overbite).
However, since Invisalign does come with its limitations, modern orthodontic technology came up with SureSmile, a new and revolutionary imaging solution that creates even better teeth-straightening aligners. SureSmile tech makes digital molds that help your teeth move into their desired place with less discomfort but more efficiency than any other system.
What about Invisalign Efficiency?
Now that you know more about the Invisalign meaning, alternative, and efficiency, you can get the treatment you deserve. Before you decide on the type of dental aligners to get a straight and gorgeous smile, you should discuss with your Invisalign experts in Fort Lauderdale, FL, or Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, FL. The efficiency of Invisalign depends on a patient’s bone density, lifestyle, and willingness to comply with the treatment’s rules, the severity of orthodontic problems, and more. Let our experts recommend the best course of action for you!