In this day and age, cancer screenings are available and affordable, representing the responsible thing to do about your health. When it comes to oral cancer screening Pembroke Pines FL services you should know you can get such an examination in our office whenever you visit us for a regular once-in-six-months check-up. There are plenty of things to know about our dedicated services and today, our specialists are here to shine some light on the procedure and its benefits.
1. Is Oral Cancer Screening Invasive?
You shouldn’t mistake oral cancer screening Pembroke Pines FL examinations with biopsies. Our screenings are completely comfortable, painless and non-invasive. Your designated doctor will perform a thorough examination of your face, eyes, ears, nose, and lips, followed by a detailed examination of your mouth (teeth, gums, palate, tongue, cheeks, mucosa, etc) and a comprehensive assessment of your neck, throat, and thyroid.
This visual examination is sometimes followed by an even more advanced type of screening which includes a special type of lamp that makes visible even the smallest of lesions, lacerations, fissures, ulcers, sores, pigmentations, and so on. The procedure lasts for several minutes and it is completely safe and comfortable.
2. What Happens If the Doctor Finds Signs of Oral Cancer?
Besides noting down detailed observations in your chart, you doctor will recommend you a biopsy. It is common knowledge that many dental / mouth problems are caused by several factors independent of cancer, so once the biopsy results are in, your doctor will refer you to the proper and competent specialist for treatment.
If the biopsy is negative and you need dental treatments, you can rest assured you will receive full service under our roof, as we offer complete range of dental services. We work with a team of experienced professionals having nearly 60 years of practice in the field. They work only with the latest materials and equipment to offer you outstanding dental treatments, no matter their nature. We work fast and efficiently, so you will get your smile and your dental health back in no time!
3. Are Your Oral Cancer Screening Pembroke Pines FL Services Affordable?
This is a question we get from many of our patients and our answer is always the same: we will work actively and creatively with you to find you the best solutions to make your dental interventions affordable. Our goal is to offer you the best services and the chance of having an impeccable quality of life without the burden of budget and finances.