When it comes to your teeth, you want to make sure they’re in the best shape possible. That’s why you see your dentist regularly and take care of them at home with regular brushing, flossing, and other habits. But sometimes even with all that care going into keeping your mouth healthy and cavity-free, there are still times when you need something more. When do you need dental crowns? Here are some common signs that indicate you should consider getting Dental Crowns in Lauderdale by the Sea FL:
You need dental crowns if:
- You have a damaged tooth (chipped, broken) that cannot be repaired by other methods such as filling or bonding.
- You have a tooth that has been damaged by decay and needs to be covered up before it can be treated further.
Your tooth has been damaged by an accident and needs to be fixed before any further damage can happen to the rest of your mouth’s structure or other teeth in the same arch location as well as supporting structures like jawbone, and sinus cavity walls.
- You grind your teeth at night and the resulting wear on your molars has caused them to become shorter than normal which makes it harder for them to wear down evenly; this may cause some discomfort during chewing but will also make them more likely to break off completely when they do get too short so if you grind at night then this is something worth.
Do I Need a Root Canal for a Dental Crown?
A root canal is a treatment for tooth decay and it’s not necessary for a dental crown. A dental crown is a cap that covers the tooth root, so if you have a missing tooth or one that has decayed, but still has enough healthy bone to support it, then you may be able to get capped with a dental crown instead of having a root canal done. It depends on how much decay there is in the damaged part of your tooth.
What Types of Dental Crowns Are There?
There are three types of dental crowns:
- Porcelain dental crowns. These are the most common type of crown used. They can be made to match your natural teeth and are usually made out of porcelain fused to metal or all-porcelain materials. Porcelain is stronger than ceramic.
- Tooth-colored dental crowns. These work best on front teeth that aren’t visible when you smile (think about the back molars). The material used for these crowns is a composite resin material that looks almost exactly like your own tooth enamel and will wear down over time just like your natural teeth do when exposed to wear and tear from chewing food on a daily basis (and not brushing them properly). It’s important to note that this material cannot be used for front teeth because it doesn’t have enough strength or durability to withstand biting forces put on it every day when you eat food!
- Ceramic dental crowns/ceramic veneers/porcelain veneers are similar in appearance but vary slightly in terms of strength and durability depending which type they’re made from – ceramics (like porcelains) tend not be as strong but still provide an excellent cosmetic alternative if you’re looking for something lighter weight than other options available today.
Get the best available Dental Crowns in Lauderdale by the Sea FL when you visit your dentist.
Dental crowns are a popular and effective way to improve your smile. If you have lost one or more teeth, a dental crown can often be used to cover the tooth or teeth that remain. This is done by creating an impression of the surrounding teeth and gums, so that a custom-made crown can be created at your dentist’s office using high-quality materials. In addition to preventing bone loss in your mouth, dental crowns protect remaining teeth from damage caused by chewing food against them.
Dentists who specialize in cosmetic dentistry know how to create beautiful smiles with Dental Crowns in Lauderdale by the Sea FL for their patients who have already lost some or all their natural teeth. Because they have been through many cases similar to yours before and have seen all kinds of results from different types of procedures performed on other people, they will likely give you advice about what would work best for your specific situation—and if there are options available that may not require any further treatment (such as using composite fillings instead).
If you have any questions about the best way to care for your mouth, please contact us. We are happy to help!